Boy Repugs Are Morons Without A Script

Maybe the Repugs should dis-allow Cheney to speak without a script in addition to the idiot.
Vice President Dick Cheney, in town Friday for a political fund-raiser, defended the Bush administration's surveillance of phone calls and international bank transactions, saying the programs were "absolutely essential" to protecting Americans against future terrorist attacks.
"The fact of the matter is that these are good, solid, sound programs," Cheney said. "They are conducted in accordance with the laws of the land. They're carried in a manner that is fully consistent with the constitutional authority of the president of the United States."
'Terrible idea' to leave Iraq now
Cheney said the finance tracking program, which started soon after the Sept. 11 attacks and was disclosed by the New York Times on Friday, is designed to monitor the movement of funds related to al-Qaida and other groups.
He lambasted the media for breaking the story, "thereby making it more difficult for us to prevent future attacks against the American people. That offends me." [emphasis mine]
Bullshit. Dim Son is acting "consistent with...contitutional authority" has not been established because Bushco kills any attempt by anyone to challenge that assertion in court by claiming "state secrets".
I don't know about you, but the term "state secrets" makes my skin crawl. State and secret in the same sentence make me think of Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Tito and many others for whom I hold no admiration.
And he's killing another messenger. Jesus H Christ on holiday these people are repugnent. The NY Times has broken a few stories the US really needed and each time they were attacked as if traitors.
Quit your fucking crying. When your actions are exposed, defend them or shut the fuck up. Stop attacking the news media who are calling you out. If you aren't cowards you should stand up and offer explanations for your decisions.
These chickenhawks are disgusting.
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