Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This might piss off many people, but I can't help that

You all know the term "sweatshop". This is a carefully chosen word to be used with Westerners who can't take the heat in Mexico and Asia. It conjures horrible images, but do the people in such shops see horror?

Yes, there's forced labor, forced abortions, long hours, beatings, but those aren't the norm from my experience. I've known both adults and children who've worked in sweatshops and they don't want them eliminated. Perhaps I've not talked to those mistreated. This isn't a scientific treatise.

These sweatshops provide honest work (not usual) for what is locally decent pay and often aren't as hot as the outdoors. The workers are indoors, out of the sun, in an air conditioned building or at least with fans (adequate for most). Many in such climates don't like air conditioning. They provide work for children, yes children, who need to work to support the family and can't afford to go to school.

Your fucking standards are not held by everyone in the world. Sure, many would like nice homes with air conditioning and carpeting where the kids could play video games and eat burgers every day and get fat, but they're realists and know its better to survive than hold out false hope.

Travel. See the world and see what many people accept. You'll also see most of those people are much happier than you or I. Check out Ireland at least. People there have much less than Americans, but they really are more content with their lot.

The abuse and mistreatment of sweatshop workers has to be addressed stopped. Inhumane treatment of anyone is, well, inhumane. Which is why we have the word "inhumane". Duh!

However, if you check out pictures of sweatshops and cubicle farms...what's so different. The US, and I suspect most first world countries, treat their employees about the same as those working in sweatshops. At least that's my experience.

Hell, my boss had a whip! Well, I'll admit I gave it to him, but only on the understanding he wouldn't use it on me.

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Blogger Jeb Koogler said...

A funny and insightful piece, Spiider. I agree with many of the points that you make.

9/12/2007 02:43:00 PM  
Blogger SPIIDERWEB™ said...

Thank you, Jeb.

We always tend to err when painting with a broad brush. There definitely are "democracies" non of us would want to live in. There are also "sweatshops" no one would choose to work in.

The world is never black and white.

9/13/2007 06:54:00 AM  

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