Should The "Coalition Of The Willing" Withdraw From Iraq?

Moot point for many because several countries have decided to do just that. But here's my take on this.
The decision to start this war was black or white (it was black). Now the situation is anything but.
Withdraw immediately? Withdraw immediately with residual troops? By "residual troops" I mean with additional cannon fodder and deaths. Withdraw when asked by the Iraqi government? Redeploy nearby? Stay? Reduce troops?
All these options should be explored, argued and considered. Who's doing this? Certainly not the GOP. The "divided Dems" are the ones discussing the different possibilities. To me it cries out CHOICE.
With the GOP you have one choice...stay indefinitely and guarantee many more troops and Iraqis killed and maimed. Stay indefinitely and kill many more innocent Iraqis, including women and children. Stay indefinitely and drive our own troops insane and into committing more heinous acts. Stay indefinitely and assure the US is completely bankrupt. Stay indefinitely and destroy America's standing in the world for many years.
The GOP is unified, but unified around a policy that will kill thousands more. To hell with that unified position.
one way or another there would be a price to be paid pal, if people who are ruling do not have brain left what can you do.
Let it be
Yes there is a price to be paid and it will be horrible no matter what road is chosen.
The truth is, we shouldn't have created this impossible situation by attacking Iraq or Afganistan for that matter in the first place.
Imperialism, like pay back, can be a bitch.
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